"Enlightened Self-Interest" in Random Lengths News

Executive Editor James Preston Allen tells readers in his latest editorial that the voters in this country have a choice between“Bush-Cheney” and “New Deal.” Either choice spells “Big Government” and “Bad Deal”. Allen may as well have asked: “Do I want to be shot or...

Al in Wonderland (His Election Waning in the Looking Glass)

The California Democratic Party just published and mailed a “children’s book” smearing Craig “Mad Hatter” Huey as the “Master of Ceremonies” of an extreme right-wing “Tea Party”. This latest attack to “inform” the voters then claims at the end: “Thank goodness for Al...

Everyone Can Have the Truth — in Him!

"Everyone has their own truth," some people claim, refusing to challenge anyone on anything. This cannot be true, for if everyone has their own truth, then there can be no truth, for truth by its very definition, by its very nature, does not depend on me, or...