Amend Three Strikes: Yes on 36

If California is not taxing and spending too much, the Golden State is incarcerating too much, with a record number of prisoners housed in crowded circumstances. Federal Courts have poked into this growing problem, demanding that the California Department of...

No on Prop 37

Labeling genetically modified foods sounds like a good idea. Yet the unintended consequences of labeling leads only to increased liability. Prop 37 is a trial lawyer's dream, in large part because the proposed statute would permit plaintiffs to file a lawsuit...

Response to "Jewish Journal" Take on Prop 30

I respect the tenet of “Tikkun Olam”, but tax increases are not going to fix California’s fraying economy or save our failing schools. As far as Props 30 and 38 are concerned, do the voters in this state really trust that the Sacramento Political class is going to...

Al (Muratsuchi) in Wonderland

Democratic candidate for the 66th Assembly District Al Muratsuchi has published another attack ad, paid for by the California Democratic Party. This unique multi-page booklet alludes to “Alice in Wonderland”, outlining offensive views of Republican challenger Craig...

The Real Problem with Gene Scott

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3: 7) This verse seems appropriate when I think of Dr. Gene Scott, the ragged and woolly preacher would take on verse of scripture, then write it out in Greek, Hebrew, and five...