Rosy Idea for Electoral College Blues

The San Diego Union Tribune Editorial board correctly faults the current “winner-take-all” electoral college system for the Presidency. Under this program, certain states end up getting locked up under one party while eight swing states get all the attention. However,...

New Hampshire: Thank You for John Sununu

 Tell 'Em Like it Is: John! Romney Surrogate and campaign chairman John Sununu, the former Governor of New Hampshire and former chief of staff under George H . W. Bush, knows how to crush the “Mainstream Media” in interview after interview. He is like New Jersey...

Response to "Life After 50" article: "Paved in Gray"

Mr. Silva: Thank you for bringing to our attention the growing role that our seniors play in our national politics. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, among many politicians, explained to college students that since senior citizens vote, their representatives pay more...