Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

This is a tragic world. To compound the sins of rape and incest with a forced pregnancy is too much to consider. These matters must be decided at the most local level of government possible. The federal government, including the Supreme Court, has no business...

More Democrats Bailing on Obama Rob Taub is a disgruntled Democrat. He does not like President Obama, and he feels more inclined to vote for Romney. If he and other like-minded liberals, those who do not...

The Law Makes Us Mad — Christ Makes us Sound

If we are trying to live by a set of rules, it will only be a matter of time before we start to realize that we are under a curse, one which we cannot break free from, no matter how well or how hard we try to obey. This conflicts defines much of modern drama....

Rand Paul's Random Thoughts Deserve Real Scrutiny

Rand Paul: Recruiting Libertarians Libertarians are the future of the GOP, according to Rand Paul, the ophthalmologist son of obstetrician Ron Paul, the libertarian avant-garde of the...

Not Parents Needed, But One Parent

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. " (Genesis 2: 24-25) Strange but true — the first mention...