There is no Such thing as Equality in Marriage

The argument for "marriage equality" falls apart on the very use of the words: Marriage is never about equality, but rather about two people becoming one flesh, giving up their old single identities to be one with each other. A good marriage is based on each...

Not "Progressive" but Libertarain

It was music to my ears: Tea Party favorite Kentucky Senator Rand Paul on the September 9, 2012 edition of "This Week with George Step-on-all-of-Us" actually told his party that they need to field more libertarian candidates in order to be competitive in the...

McCain and Graham Endorse Howard Berman–election.html Manic Mavericks Sticking in the CA-30th John McCain is just too maverick to make the right difference sometimes. Lindsey Graham has served his country as a...

Why Students Hate Science

Science classes in American Schools are a terrible place to find any relevant information. I know and believe why so many kids are turned off to science.  I understand fully why our country lags behind when it comes to math and science. In our science classes, we...

Jesus Did not Abolish the Law — or Did He?

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." (Matthew 5: 17) So said Jesus to His hearers while He was delivering the Sermon on the Mount. Then Paul writes: "Having abolished in his...