Christie, This Week, and Todd Akin

I just watched Governor Chris Christie stump for GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." (September 30, 2012 airing) "Why are you lying, Mr. President?" Christie blurted out in response to an Obama attack...

On References to Socialism and Nazism

Socialism is socialism — there is not distinction between "Human Socialism" and "Corporate Socialism", as inevitably one group of elites will take the reigns of power and control and command in an economy. No mixture is possible. Either we...

Poverty is a Curse– Find Prosperity in Christ

I do not condemn the homeless. Yet  I have also learned, and the hard way, at that, that if we do not find a home of peace within ourselves, then no matter what we do, or where we go, we will not find a home worth staying in. Life is all about prospering on the...

Words of Grace Make People Mad — Luke Four

"And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. "And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. "And all bare him...

Truth vs. Tradition

The priest touched the heater, then took up the elements, blessed them, then passed them out. This scene played out every Sunday in a rural church for many years. The pastor told me about this scene that would take place, predictably, in our rural church a long time...