An Olympian Tax Cut Needed

Could anything be more ridiculous or scandalous? The Olympic athletes take in the gold, then they get taxed to the extreme for their earnings. Instead of yelling about American uniforms made in China, why not press Congress to enact an easy taxcut that both sides can...

Debating NHS With a Brit

In Lomita, near Rolling Hills Estates, I took time to hash out major ideas with an airline pilot from British Airways. He was visiting the area during a stopover, and so he was out cycling in the area. He noticed that I was at working going over books...

Missouri — "Show Me" that "We the People" Rule

I think Missouri will be the battleground that will "Show Me" and the rest of the country that the govenment is about protecting our rights, not the intererst of political elites. Todd Akin received the very endorsement which makes him the better candidate...