Spain in a Default Spin

The likelihood of a massive default Spain is growing more ominous in certain. The Eurozone simply cannot continue propping bankrupted states which are laboring under intense public debt. The nations of Southern European have taken it easy for too long. The resident of...

Voter ID Not a Civil Rights Violation

I cannot believe nor accept the uproar over requiring voting citizens to get identification in order to cast their votes. We have to present ID when use a credit card, when we drive our cars, when we write a check. The voting franchise is worth so much more to...

Allow Aurora to Grieve

We must never be in a hurry to force men and women to "get over" death and sudden disasters which disrupt our lives. The shock and forced change which burst into our lives require everyone of us affected to take stock of what has been taking away and to...

"Let's Start a Petition"

I liked this one student — he complimented me on my name. Whereas most students would pronounce my name wrong and think nothing of it, he commended me for my name. The student's name was Vernon, I believe. He was a calm kid, a rarity at Hawthorne High...

On The Jewish Journal's "Why Counting Counts" Cover

I was impressed with the collage of well-known Los Angeles Jews that graced the cover of last week's edition of The Jewish Journal. Just recently, I noticed that Howard Berman was prominently placed on the cover, but not one picture of Brad Sherman. The Jewish...