On Creating Goals — Let the Creator Be Your Goal

Man needs more than meaning, contrary to what Logo-therapist Dr. Viktor Frankl once alleged. Man needs life, and that more abundantly. Man is dead in his tresspasses, in need of more than a jolt or the buzz that comes with achieving a goal. Man needs a power, the...

"I Don't Know" — "I'm Sorry" — "We're Not Broke!"

Henry Waxman — Enough Already! Congressman Henry Waxman has been in Congress for 38 years. 38 years of tax and spend statism, and still there is no subway to the sea. 38 years of badgering and bullying hyperpartisanship, and corruption and waste are as rampant...

Prager Interviews Imam on the Future of Islam

Dennis Prager commands a calm yet penetrating line of questioning, one that commands respect without permitting non-answers or generalizations which fail to answer the core issue or suggest disturbing implications. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf commented: "The Shariah...

Occupy Torrance: A Reflection

Around 5pm on August First, a small group was gathered on the corner of Hawthorne Blvd. and Carson Street in Torrance, CA. Five people were lined up along the corner, right in front of a Bank of America branch. To the side, a box full of banners and signs were waiting...

David Mamet's Priceless Assertion

"At What Cost?"  (From The Jewish Journal, July 27- August 2, 2012) This must be the governing question in economic and legal policy in this country. David Mamet was not afraid to ask this question, and we should not be afraid to rest on the...