Grace is Not Popular. . .With Religious People

Jesus Christ faced the greatest opposition from church people, from religious authorities and sanctimonious types who prized ceremony over spirituality. Some more telling verses which illustrate the Lord's opposition with the hardness of the religious heart. When...

Spiritual Element: Essential and Eastern

The findings of the Austrian economists, starting with an affiliate economist Milton Friedman, opened my eyes to the importance to the invisible forces in our world. The spiritual realm cannot be discounted, for God is spirit, and man at his core is spirit, received...

Errors of Dr. Phil's Psychological Insights

Dr. Phil McGraw is a "life strategist." His book "Life Strategies" outlined some interesting insights. Some of them do not line up with Scripture. "You create what you fear." This lie is reminiscent of the maxim in the Alcoholics...

"Minority" as Conflicted Identity

"Minority" has become a term of identity in this country, a term of greater import and irony because the "minority" population (or populations) has become the majority. The term "minority" in one sense is a derogatory term, one that...