"Do You Like Being a Teacher?" — Leuzinger

I have waited a long time to write this post. I liked the students at Leuzinger High School. They were much better at the work that they did, they were far more respectful, too. I cannot say that the administrators looked forward to seeing me, however. At that stage...

"Do You Like Being a Teacher?" Lawndale

Then on to Lawndale, one crazy place, to say the least, where the same cult of "They have to like you" was dominant, where the deans were so scared of setting of administration that they would not deal with real discipline problems. If they were so worried...

"Do You Like Being a Teacher?" — Hawthorne

I used to hate hearing this question. Reminded me of all the failures and frustrations which I had endured at Cal State Long Beach and at home. I needed to have a job, to have a calling in this life. I did not really think about doing the things that I wanted. I did...

Reflections on the Juvenile Youth

I am still amazed at the values which have become more pervasive than ever in our schools. Instead of holding kids accountable, kids only count because their presence brings in the money. What happens to them afterwards matters very little to administrators on...

The HyperPartisanship of the Jewish Journal

For over two years, I have been an avid reader of The Jewish Journal, a publication whose Purim spoof cover first caught my attention, along with the introduction of Conservative columnist and radio personality Dennis Prager. I did not agree with many of the writers...