Teaching in Compton: Chester Adult School

The first time that I set foot on a campus in Compton, I went to an adult school — Chester Adult School. This school seemed to be in disrepair, which in one way reflects on the staff who supervised the district, including the facility. When I showed up, about...

"Do You Now Believe?"

"Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God. "Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?" (John 16: 31-32) What was the problem with the apostles'...

On the US Senate Race in Wisconsin

Tommy Thompson for US Senate: Is Experience Enough? Whoever wins the GOP nominations for the Wisconsin US Senate seat, the man who runs better be prepared to take on entitlements, spending, and the restoration of fiscal sanity to our country. Governor Walker has...

Public Education: Two Contradictions

Forcing kids to learn: nothing could be more inherently inimical and contradictory to the well-being and upbringing of our youth. Learning is as natural as breathing, so why force someone, anyone to learn. We cannot force people to breathe — they will...

Education Reform: Two V's for Victory

V for Victory: Now for Education. . . "V for Victory" — everyone has seen the hand gesture of a triumphant Winston Churchill, a proud and overbearing prime minister who led his country through the terrible overhead onslaught of the Luftwaffe then...