Error of Descartes

"Je pense, donc je suis." — Rene Descartes I think, therefore I am. I think that this phrase has gotten more press than many other philosophical "insights." This phrase was the harbinger and hallmark of the "Enlightenment", ironic...

"Don't Let Them See You Sweat!"

The following advice was the best that one teacher could offer me: "Don't let them see you sweat!" Unfortunately, the better treatment will always be: "Why am I sweating in the first place?" The tension of unpredictability and unmanageability...

Teaching French: Law v. Grace

I wish I had learned more about the dynamic between law and grace in my life. I think that I would have been a better teacher, or I would have quit right away. I loved being  a French teacher, or at least I loved teaching the material, as long as I was...

Not Unpredictable, But Unmanageable

I used to think that the reason I did not like being a teacher, or rather that I enjoyed being a teacher less and less because I was frustrated with the unpredictable nature of the job. Now I have learned that not so much the unpredictable nature of the work —...

Jesus Christ — Closer to You than You Realize

Jesus Christ is alive and well and real and easy to behold and let him hold you and let you be. I have the hardest time resting in Him, resting in the truth that He has all things covered, that He has been moving in my life since the moment that He found me. I was...