Sentiment in Santa Monica Waning for Waxman

In the past month, the Congressman has paid a visit to the Malibu and the Santa Monica Democratic Clubs, and the second appearance took place just yesterday. Normally such gatherings cost $100 a head, yet the club reduced the entry fee to $35. Waxman is a brand that...

Students who Lose in School Win in Life

I cannot rail against this disturbing trend enough times — schools are babying and accommodating students rather than challenging them and teaching them to reach beyond their limits, that the limits which they or their parents or their communities have imposed...

To the Administrators of the Several High Schools

Despite the warring concerns which many principals have, that the students will not receive an adequate education if they are sent out of class for several reasons, teachers need to know and believe that they are supported. In two instances, nay four, I can recall the...

"I Have a Line of Parents at My Door"

The principal was steamed, tossed and turning without any respite. If there was any school which gave no rest whatsoever to the teachers, it was at South East High School in South Gate, where students were expected to learn an  entire year’s worth of content in a...