Be a King who Forgives, Not a Prisoner who Cannot

I have two choices in this life, so I have learned. I can let things go and be set free, or I can hold on and hinder myself in the process. I can forgive and reign in life, or I can not forgive, and remain in misery. It’s a stark option, one which pits a man between...

Forgive — Because That is What Kings Do!

Every believer in the Body of Christ has been made a king and priest by the King of Kings and our once and for all High Priest: "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him...

"I'll Show You Extra!"

I loved the security staff at Leuzinger. They put kids on high alert. They took no nonsense from students. Sugar Bear was one of my favorite security personnel. A homespun man who had no problem shaking up students, he was a godsend. When I was covering one of the...