Political Penuguin Endorses Prop 29

I never thought I would read a conservative-leaning columnist support Prop 29 Despite the fact that the tax will only affect cigarette smokers directly, do we really need to increase the tax burden in this state for anyone? Smoking is bad. We all know this. However,...

Furlough Days in the South Bay

I do not believe that school districts have to cut the school year by a month. The gross expenditures which weigh on school districts, including financial mismanagement, are the real culprit for the lack of funding in our schools. Students do not receive the best...

California: Just Say No to Tax Increases

There is no justifiable reason for supporting a tax increase in California. The political class in Sacramento is spending money as if it grows on trees. They demonstrate no sense beyond wasting the money of hard-working taxpayers, who deserve a break from Big...

On Budget Woes and Furlough Days

The state of California is broke. Multi-billion dollar deficits are decimating our present and impoverishing our future. The political class in Sacramento has refused to tackle major problems to restore sound fiscal discipline in California. Public sector unions...