The Failure of the Protestant Reformation

Thank God for Martin Luther. Without him, the Catholic Church would have persisted in its empty tyranny over the conscience of men and women, many of whom were prevented from reading the Bible for themselves, and for those who did get to read the Bible, they were...

Walker's Win is a Win for Everyone

Governor Walker has won the recall vote in Wisconsin. His win is a win not just for Wisconsin, but for the entire country. I revel in his second reelection, one which he won by a higher margin than his previous election. This victory is a sign to every other governor,...

Stupid Comment — “Men just do stupid things.”

“Guys just do stupid guy stuff.” “70% of men are involved in pornography” These and other trite and denigrating phrases I suffered hearing from a number of men on men. I have always found crude and offensive these allegations that men are inherent boorish and loutish,...

Favor Does not Require a Favor

It had taken me a long time to learn this: favor does not require a favor. If I want favor, it must be unmerited, nothing more. I cannot earn and maintain the favor of others in my life. The students whom I taught, even if they wrote me nice letters,  even if...