Immigrants' Dreams Realized? A Nightmare Unleashed

"This is utter lawlessness", Charles Krauthammer declared on Fox News shortly after President Obama declared that he would no longer enforce deportation against young illegal immigrants who have demonstrated adequate academic standing, respect for the law,...

Bubba Comes to Redondo Beach

Former President Bill Clinton paid a visit to the 2012 Redondo Union High School graduation ceremony, in large part because his nephew Tyler was one of the baccalaureates. I cannot say that I was biting my lip with eager anticipation, although I am certain...

Amnesty as Destructive to the Family

How many reports have we read in the local press of youth, whether legal or illegal, whose parents have abused or abandoned them? The Daily Breeze reported about one high-profile student in Lennox who could not go to Harvard and pursue advanced studies because he was...

Reaction to Obama's Recent Amnesty

By executive order, President Obama is bypassing the primary role of the Congress, and has issued a cease-and-desist order to immigration officials around the country not to round illegal immigrants who came to his country before they were sixteen, are currently...

"To Althea, From Prison" by Richard Lovelace

 To Althea, from Prison Richard Lovelace. 1618–1658 WHEN Love with unconfinèd wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates; When I lie tangled in her hair 5 And fetter'd to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air Know...