Prohibition in Manhattan Beach

"If certain people cannot drink, then no one should drink". So goes one line of reasoning regarding the Upcoming Centennial Celebration in Manhattan Beach. The conflict between individuals with money and those who want to save their income for sober purposes...

Pushing Back Against Bullying

If schools really want to curb bullying, they need to end the identity politics and multi-ethnic attempts to define individuals as members of a group. We must learn to discern who we are not based on what other people say about us. We need to lean on the traditions of...

Justices Cracking Down on Crack Sentencing

Thomas Sowell, what would do without your insights into the inconvenient crossings of race and class? Crack is more dangerous to users than power cocaine,  yet the more dangerous variant is more prevalent  among the poor because it requires less effort than...

Helping Homeowners — Response to La Opinion

If the legislature in Sacramento really wants to help homeowners, they must stop helping.Any free market economist, including the members of the famed Austrian School championed by Presidential candidate Ron Paul, predicted the collapse of the housing market following...