Santorum's Hail Mary Plea

Rick Santorum, the final anti-Romney option following a spat of conservative upstarts, outlined his plan to save health care while combatting the evil encroachments of ObamaCare, while also taking pot shots at the legislation's precursor, the front...

David Brooks is an April Fool

New York Times columnist David Brooks, a cafeteria conservative of some persuasiveness, argued that ObamaCare will transform the relationships among the federal government, the states, and the American citizen. While stating the obvious on the April First Edition of...

Thomas Friedman is an April Fool

After more than two years, liberal pundits and cheer-leaders on the left for President Obama are still crowing about the great things in store for the American people because of ObamaCare. Unlike former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her illiberal ilk,...

Inclusion for Special Ed Students

Having served as a classroom teacher, both full-time and substitute, for a number of years, I have formed my own opinions as to the proper extent that children with special needs should be mainstreamed into the classroom. Regardless of state and federal law, I believe...