by altha-admin | Apr 10, 2012 | Articles
"What is solvable is how we treat each other with our differences. As a Christian, I am commanded by Jesus Christ to love everybody. I am not allowed to hate anyone. Other people are allowed to hate me. But as a Christian, I am not allowed to hate anyone. In...
by altha-admin | Apr 8, 2012 | Articles
Not by hemlock, but rather hemmed in by the lock of public profligacy meeting economic scarcity, an old pensioner in the most volatile state in Europe took his own life. In a scenic that would rival the off-stage demise of Antigone or the self-inflicted blindness...
by altha-admin | Apr 7, 2012 | Articles
Contrary to the assertions of Mr. Repohl, Jesus was not the victim of "mass hysteria": "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. "No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power...
by altha-admin | Apr 7, 2012 | Articles
The Cult of childhood must come to an end. From tasting games with cookies and cockroaches in Los Angeles, to teachers dating their students, the line of proper boundaries between mature and immature, between teacher-parent and child is fraying, and in a very...
by altha-admin | Apr 7, 2012 | Articles
In his latest commentary in "Easy Reader" What Bob Pinzler calls "The Solid Middle" is really the "Cream Filling" of government largesse, kickbacks, and pork-barrel spending, along with the enhanced entitlements, which are...