Allen's Free Market Theorizing

Free markets have been free-flowing since the founding of the American colonies, to the extent that colonists refused to be bullied by elitist, landed gentry. Economist and Historian Murray Rothbard's extensive work on the libertarian roots of the American...

On South Bay Power Lines

Regarding the danger of power lines over residential homes, I have never had too much to worry about. So far, repair crews have arrived in a timely manner to fix cables or reconfigure any other equipment in case of power outages. My bigger concern is that residents in...

Reflection on a Former Hustling Rabbi

Beit T’Shuvah, a half-way house for Jews who want to go from taking people for  a ride to Tikkun  Olam, was founded by Rabbi Mark Borowitz, a recovering alcoholic who sold stolen goods, got caught up in the criminal life, but came back to his family faith in...