The Fallacy of Ethnic Christianity

The little “P” pastor in a church does not set a man free. The Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep. Not just on the Cross, but also through the Holy Spirit living in us, Christ our Good Shepherd leads us on the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. We are...

Manhood is Not Enough

Manhood has infiltrated the Body of Christ. “Promise Keepers” has turned into an overgrown men’s club with a Christian veneer. The myth of man making his way in the world still carries more weight than depending on the love of God shed abroad in our hearts. Men in...

Hermosa Beach Gets a New Superintendent

Does the Hermosa Beach City School District really need a new top level bureaucrat? Granted, the district’s next superintendent will receive a smaller salary and take on more responsibilities, but why not go further and eliminate the position altogether? On that note,...

Identity More Important than Efficacy

While teaching at one high school, I realized it was really up to me. I could have whatever I wanted. If I wanted to go on a field trip, I did it. If I wanted to have an extra set of books and markers, I got them. If I needed an audience with the executive director or...

Church Communities, Codependency, and Christ

Church communities can be one of the most codependent organizations out there. We keep telling people that they are sick, that they need more prayer, when what they need to do, on their own, is renew their minds to the truth of who they are in Christ. We are more than...