Seven-Day Adventists and Pharisaism

In the past year, I have witnessed to two Seven-Day Adventists. They were kind people, until the matter of the Sabbath Day came up. Then they became very provocative and unengaging people. The law has the tendency to bring out the worst in people, who believe that...

Calderon and His Country

Mexican President Felipe Calderon has had harsh words for the United States. Before a joint session of the United States Congress, Calderon has denounced this country's immigration and drug enforcement policies. Our leaders must hold their Latin American...

Holiness in Humility

How do we demonstrate humility in our lives? The prophet Micah offered the sure way to go: "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6: 8)...

Jews, Social Issues, and the GOP

If there is any lesson that the California Republican Party, and the National Convention, need to learn, they must declare at the minimum a truce on social issues, many of which have needlessly alienated independents and disaffected Democrats who want to see less...