On the Authority of the Preacher and the Scripture

I enjoy hearing people teach God's Word. Many times, though, different preachers either offer different insight on a passage of scripture, and sometimes their teaching contradicts what another preacher says of does. Creflo Dollar preaches about the importance of...

Opinion on Legislator Vote-Switching

Voters elect representatives to uphold the United States Constitution, protect our rights, and represent our views. By taking the oath of office, legislators pledge to demonstrate integrity. If California legislators can change their votes on key bills in order to toe...

Los Angeles Gives Red Light to Traffic Cameras

Los Angeles is repealing a portion of Big Brother. The Red Light Cameras are going down, and not a moment too soon. The Great Recession, which has rocked states from coast to coast, is shaking all the unnecessary regulation from city, state, and federal law. Why...

Hermosa Beach Takes on Styrofoam

Despite facing rising pension payouts for retired public workers, a school district struggling to stay solvent, a wild party-city nightlife which disturbs law, order, and tranquility, not to mention the sudden settlement over a multi-million dollar lawsuit with a...

64% Support Brown's Proposed Tax Hike

How many people in the state of California work for the government? That would be one explanation for the majority support for tax increases. Even though the number of public workers is dwindling, certainly a majority of residents in the Golden State feed...