New Yemeni President, Old Animosities Preside

Elections are not the answer to the political ills that plague and pillage the peace and prosperity of the Arab world.Vice President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi has replaced outgoing and highly unpopular Ali Abdullah Saleh, the unifying, though hardly gratifying force, in...

David Dreier Steps Down

David Dreier (R-San Dimas) The California nonpartisan redistricting commission enacted by voter initiative has done its job. Long-time incumbents across the Golden State, both Democrat and Republican, are stepping down or facing off against other incumbents for widely...

GOP Grabs the Initiative in Sacramento

Now no longer the "The Party of No" (or more precisely, "Hell NO!") in Sacramento, the GOP played a pretty political ploy, taking on Democratic Governor Brown's 12-point pension proposal. Having adopted and adapted a moral program for slowing...

"The Greening of Faith" Browns and Decays

According to former LA Times columnist Larry B. Stammer, Former Senator Rick Santorum's stance runs contrary to his church's established teachings on the issue.The explosion of environmental anxiety is a mere cover-up for more centralized, state-sponsored...

Regarding Pension Reform AB 1635

Public sector workers must join the human race and the respectable workforce of all Californians.Public Sector unions command too much power at the state level, lobbying and cajoling, many times threatening, legislators whom they have supported to pass legislation...