Berman, Sherman, and Reed in the Wind?

Two incumbent Democrats are duking it out for the newly-tailored 30th Congressional District in the San Fernando Valley.Howard Berman has commandeered the greater number of endorsements, most likely in recognition for his 30 years serving the House of Representatives....

One-State Solution: Only if a Jewish State

If Harvard University wants to sponsor a discussion on a one-state solution for Israel, so be it. All they can do is talk about it. Then again, the limitations of academic debate, shackled by speech codes and the innate liberal tendencies of any college students,...

The Crucifixion and the Four Gospels

in the sanctified certainty of the New Testament.In "Waiting for Godot", Gogo puzzles over the seeming discrepancy of the Four Gospel accounts. Two of the gospels record that two thieves were hung alongside Jesus, and they jeered and reviled Him. In one...