Rush's Rush to Judgment

Loudmouth radio hosts have no business holding politicians at bay.There is nothing wrong with sharing an opinion, there is nothing wrong with ruffling people's feathers, there is nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious about policies that one distastes or...

The Real Real Reason for Olympia Snowe's Departure

Contrary to her own assertions, and the feminist readings of Daily Beast Columnist Eleanor Clift, Olympia Snowe is leaving because she is uncompetitive to the country and uncommitted to constitutional governance.In her press release explaining why she has chosen not...

Dreier, Snowe, California, and the GOP

United States Senator Olympia Snowe is the last of a dying breed of moderate-liberal Republicans . Claiming to despise the "dysfunction and political polarization in the institution," Snowe believes that the upper Congressional house "is not living up...

Dreier Opts Out: Small Response

San Dimas Congressman David Dreier is stepping down because he cannot compete effectively in the newly-drawn Southern California Congressional Districts, which have diluted the Republican majority which carried him for thirty years. Unlike his Senate counterpart...