Paul Ryan is still doing the Right Thing

Behaving in a more presidential manner than the current chief executive, and demonstrating a savvy acumen to tell the American people the unpalatable truth in a tolerable manner, Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has offered another effective and efficient budget...

Employers Demand Facebook Accounts

Normally, I would not be inclined to support any policy interventions by liberal, North Eastern Senate Democrats. Chuck Schumer of New York has hammered relentlessly on Congressman Paul Ryan's mature attempts to tackle federal entitlements, all of which threaten...

Response to "Poor Education a National Security Risk"

Not only has public education robbed many youth of the opportunity to advance in the face of a demanding and more globalized world, the poor schooling that they are receiving also threatens the military ranks in this country. If 75% of high school students are unfit...

Idaho vs. the EPA

In the case of Sackett vs. the EPA, landowners are taking back their property rights from a federal government which has spent more time micromanaging properties and extending unwarranted opportunities of eminent domain. Mike and Chantell Sackett of Bonner County...

Lomita vs. The Islamic Center of the South Bay

A battle over the expansion of religious practice has broadened to push a little city into bigger issues. The intersection of religion, urban planning, and limited space have all run against each other in Lomita, a little community of the South Bay which, in spite of...