Pension Problems in the Beach Cities

Pensions have created more problems than they were originally slated to solve. If public sector work is so unappealing, then perhaps municipal governments should have offered higher pay instead of promising unsustainable payouts. It's bad enough that in some...

Save AcaDec? Save us All

Mr. Boyarsky is quite a cheer leader of the Los Angeles Unified Academic Decathlon program. I admire that school districts as troubled as Los Angeles Unified can muster enough enthusiasm for a program that engages brilliant and motivated students. Yet as school...

"Chaos for Cash" A Laugh Riot

Paul Silva's imaginative piece suggests a wide ranging number of options for dealing with the pecuniary, punitive, and perverted problems that currently pester the Beach City communities. Beyond the "modest proposals" which would have...

Students get "eye-opening" look at health care

“The Beach Reporter” recently reported that local teens from the Manhattan Beach Mayor’s Youth Council explored the idiosyncrasies and complexities of “what makes a good health care system?” As part of their investigation, students visited Harbor-General UCLA, under...

Conrad Statue Has to Go

Paul Conrad was a liberal mouth piece who played fast and loose with the facts while trumpeting his open disdain for conservative causes. No city should be the platform for the irreverent and unrepentant pundit. Nevertheless, Santa Monica provided a plot of land for...