Thoughts on "My Utmost" January 28

Am I set on my own way for God? We are never free from this snare until we are brought into the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. Obstinacy and self-will will always stab Jesus Christ. It may hurt no one else, but it wounds His Spirit. Whenever we...

There is no Loneliness for the Believer

I struggled with loneliness for a long time. I did not like that I was so alone with my thoughts. It seemed to me that most people were having such a wonderful time with others, but for some reason I felt isolated, at a distance, set apart. Even while I was talking...

On Mosquito Bites

Father Ronald Rolheiser is missing out on the power of God's Grace.He comments that contrary to the whistful hope of English poey W. H. Auden, people do not dance at the presence of grace. They become vengeful, unhappy, easily perturbbed by life's little...