Hahn Votes Against Afghan Spending Bill

Despite many of the things I have against Congresswoman Hahn — and they are many — I support her insistence on voting against more spending for this country's reckless and miscalculated military expenditures overseas. The unending conflict in...

"Occupy Movement Matures" — A Mature Response

Contrary to the headlined assertion of Random Lengths News, the Occupy Everywhere Movement is hardly "maturing", for it was never mature to begin with!Angry people shouting in the public square, disrupting public commerce, blaming the wrong people for their...

Letter to the Concord Monitor

To the Voters of New Hampshire:My name is Arthur Christopher Schaper, a voter in Southern California who has been following the GOP political race for the Presidential Nomination with great interest.I am impressed, though not surprised, that Congressman Ron Paul...

Romney vs. Obama — Two debates in One

The national GOP conference is still not warm to the lukewarm presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and probably never will be. Many voters simply do not like the man, and in politics, likeability is crucial. True, Romney says all the right things, but then he says...

McCain endorses Romney

Arizona Senator and former rival is endorsing Massachusetts governor Mitt Romeny. One waffling moderate has endorsed another. Could anything be more precious or petty?It was McCain's nasty send-up of the Massachusetts Governor in the 2008 primaries that offended...