Space Exploration: For Real?

Newt Gingrich wants to build stations on the moon.Ron Paul gave a witty retort: send the politicians to the moon. With the way they have run the federal government, the moon will soon run out of moon rocks and atmosphere. Then he responded wisely: space exploration is...

Ron Paul: Running and Running Strong

Is he a third party candidate?Is he really running for President?No matter how many pundits and debate mediators question his standing, no matter how many columnists have dismissed his candidacy, Ron Paul is steady. Paul's performance in every debate is unmatched,...

Rick Santorum Packs up to Pay His Taxes

Rick Santorum has no money. He was a one-hit wonder out of Iowa, rolling along on his strong social conservative credentials.He was the last of the anti-Romney surge candidates(not counting the quiet and steady rise of Ron Paul). Unlike the other more well-financed...

On Self-Deportation — Feasible and Appropriate

A free market, classical liberal approach to the problem of illegal immigration would require a limited effort by the federal government, without unduly burdening the states and the people.Free market economist Milton Friedman blasted the overgenerous welfare state...

Plato's Wrong Take on Many Issues

Ancient Greek philosophers were the first ponderers to question the ethnic properties of their nation's wisdom. Just because a man was a Greek or a Persian, for example, did not mean that one's beliefs were better than another's. Unfortunately, they placed...