No One is in the Mood for Mitt

With Governor Mitt Romney, it's not about getting the nomination, it's more about wearing down the GOP electorate to accept that he has the staying power lacking with Senator Rick Santorum and the moderation certainly lacking in Congressman Ron Paul's...

Governor Brown Tax Estimates are Off — No Kidding!

There is one simple reason why Governor Moonbeam's tax hike on the rich will bring in far less than he projects: Rich people are rich with ideas for hiding their riches in tax shelters. They are also wealthy with options for investing their wealth in other states...

Obama is Wimpy on Everything

David Lazarus' wild claim that local authorities and the market place have failed to provide adequate and affordable health insurance neglects a number of unpleasant realities.For example, the state of California as an insurance commissioner that regulates,...

Columnist John Stossel on Optimism

"But we can make it better. All it takes is rule of law and limited government. If government will just stay out of the bar, and stop bossing the patrons around, ideas will meet and mate and produce wonderful things."Free markets make free people —...

Letter to Debra Saunders

I love it when pundits discount Ron Paul over and over, and the GOP primary fight is far from over!Larry Elder has done it. Charles Krauthammer did not even mention him in the few weeks before Iowa, which had looked like a tug-of-war between Newt Gingrich and Mitt...