Schism in the Church — Christ is the Answer

There is a fight for the soul of the Christian Church.These divisions would be eclipsed if every person received and relished in the presence and Love of the Lord Jesus Christ.There is no one human authority which human beings are bound to respect on this earth in...

Congressman Paul and the United States Armed Forces

Congressman Ron Paul has received the largest number of contributions and support from men and women in the armed forces.There is a reason for that: he is the only candidate dedicated to ending the United States' unending military forays around the globe.He is the...

Greenberg's View is Skewed

Normally, I am not a fan or Mr. Greenberg. His politics are blatantly liberal, so understandably, I found much to find fault with.Liberals and conservatives usually differ over values or perceptions, anyway. Though both sides would all like people to pursue happy and...