Do I Have to Be Baptized in Order to Be Saved?

Another unremitting heresy is stealing away the power and glory of the Cross in the Body of Christ.This heresy insists that a believer must be baptized in order to be saved.Many who support this wrong teaching quote a verse in the last chapter of Mark:"He that...

Have You Forgotten Your First Love?

Are you cold, dead, kind of out of sorts? Do you feel as if God is a million miles away, not interested in you?I guarantee, God is not the problem:"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will...

Reflections on "My Utmost" January 30 Part III

Shall I tell my "Eli" what God has shown to me? That is where the dilemma of obedience comes in. We disobey God by becoming amateur providences – I must shield "Eli," the best people we know. God did not tell Samuel to tell Eli; he had to decide...

Reflection so on "My Utmost" January 30 Part II

Get into the habit of saying, "Speak, Lord," and life will become a romance. Every time circumstances press, say, "Speak, Lord"; make time to listen. Chastening is more than a means of discipline, it is meant to get me to the place of saying,...

Reflections on "My Utmost" January 30

God never speaks to us in startling ways, but in ways that are easy to misunderstand, and we say, "I wonder if that is God’s voice?" Isaiah said that the Lord spake to him "with a strong hand," that is, by the pressure of circumstances. Nothing...