Limited Government is Moral Government

Evangelical voters deserve a moral government.Yet an active government of compassionate conservativism is neither compassionate nor conservative.Less government is better government. The institutions which are crafted and capable to enforce morality and legislate...

Costa Concordia and the State of Italy

A major cruiseliner, the Costa Concordia, cruised too close to the Italian coast last week. Having run aground against a series of rocks beneath the waves, the ship now bobs halfway above the surface of the sea, an embarrassment to good intentions gone terribly wrong...

Ron Paul: Booed and Cheered in the same Answer

The Texas Congressman has integrity.In the South Carolina Debate on Monday, Congressman Ron Paul denounced our overreaching foreign policy, citing the Golden Rule as a better guide for the United States' interactions with other country.He was soundly booed.When he...

Put Halachah in the Back of the Bus

In September 2011, the Jewish Journal wrote an article about the anti-snitch rule prominent among Orthodox rabbis: "Jewish law goes to court"In the Journal: "The rules of mesira still carry force within the Orthodox world, owing both to the...

Stop the Stalinist Insanity

Whenever a journalist points out the heated hypocrisy of the Arab states who slaughter and deprive their own people in large numbers, then at the same time denigrate the Jewish State for suspending the rights of suspected terrorists in the West Bank, I have every...