The Truth About Job: No Covenant Protection

Job did not believe in the Lord, and therefore he did not have a covenant with the Lord.Unlike Abraham, to whom the Lord promised to bless in every way, Job had no covenant of protection; hence, he was powerless in leaning on his own efforts to protect him from the...

The Truth About Job: Upright, Not Righteous

Modern Readers look at the plight of Job (Hebrew for "hated") as one of the most immoral and sobering accounts in the Bible.An upright man who did good and avoided bad, he fell victim to the sanctioned attacks of the Enemy. For nearly forty chapters, he...

Immoral Man or Amoral Moderate? Part II

Newt Gingrich is riddled with personal inconsistencies, but he has publicly acknowledged his failings before the American voters. In the January 19 GOP debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, he also acknowledged the folly of supporting a single-payer mandate while in...

Immoral Man or Amoral Moderate?

Let's consider the worst cases of the "worst case scenario" candidate from the GOP — former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He is a twice-divorced philanderer, having cheated on the previous wife with the replacement. He divorced the two previous...

Congressman Paul on Illegal Immigration

The Texas Congressman has formed meaningful and cogent policies for dealing with this country's immigration issues.He wants to protect the borders. He suggests that the United States must bring back our troops stationed along foreign borders all over the world. We...