by altha-admin | Jan 24, 2012 | Articles
Mitt Romney is like the dutiful older son in Jesus' Parable of the Prodigal Son.He obeys the rules. He has not stepped out of his marriage vows, engaging in illicit sexual relations. He "deserves" to be the next GOP nominee.Newt Gingrich could be no...
by altha-admin | Jan 24, 2012 | Articles
The multiplicity of legislation and regulation is choking the Golden State, like the fabled farmers who killed the Golden goose, only to find that they had killed their source. In this case, state boards and labor relations have pushed workers to seek state positions,...
by altha-admin | Jan 24, 2012 | Articles
There are too many laws, too many crimes, too much crimianal prosecution in the state of California.Instead of locking up individual offenders for drug posession, the state of California should allow charities and private non-profits to intervene with health care....
by altha-admin | Jan 24, 2012 | Articles
Imagine a legislative session in which individual officials no longer could run to court in order to block legislation that had been discussed, voted on, and signed into law according the rule and procedures set down by the legislature?Governor Schwarzenegger could...
by altha-admin | Jan 24, 2012 | Articles
The Los Angeles Times Editorial for January 24 is begging the state of California to spare the California court system the burden of immense budget cuts should Brown's proposed tax hike initiative fail.We need less litigation in this state, not more. Fewer courts...