The Depths of God's Forgiveness Part IV

If Peter's example is not enough to demonstrate how the full knowledge of one's forever-favored and forgiven state before God can turn a blunt braggart into an assertive and graceful evangelist, consider the example of Paul:"Though I might also have...

The Depths of God's Forgiveness Part III

How deep is this forgiveness of sins?Let's consider the depth of release that it accorded to two red-handed rebels, men who had prided themselves on their devotion to God, only to recognize their lost state apart from the grace of God.Peter boasted of his love for...

The Depths of God's Forgiveness Part II

So, from the redemption we receive from all sins through Christ's blood, this is the greatest gift accorded to mankind, a gift that never stops giving:"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of...