The E. O. Green Aftermath

Larry King was a bully.He was harassing other students, taunting them with unwanted sexual advances.His father should have been placed on trial, along with the administration at the school, which chose to play political correctness rather that demand moral excellence...

Portugal Hits Junk Bond Status

What do Portugal, Greece, and the state of California have in common?The municipal bonds of these three government agencies have hit junk bond status.Nobody wants them; nobody wants to trade them; these governments cannot even borrow the exorbitant amounts which...

Euro Still Backed, though Backed against the Wall

Consumers and Merchants still want a common currency, even though currently it looks as if the currency will fail, or will not fail to take down the Eurozone, starting with Greece and Italy, with Spain and Portugal to follow.What have been the advantages of a common...

Perfect Love Casts out Everything Bad Part VI

"But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." (Luke 11:20)Perfect Love casts out demons, devils, and all wicked things that would plague the saints of God in the Old Testament.We who believe on Jesus Christ...