Response to "We are Somebody"

Every individual is defined by natural right, not civil polity. I am a citizen of the United States by virtue of my birth, yet the rights I retain as a citizen and as a human being descend justly from I am a human being because I have been endowed with rights by a...

President Obama: Blame, Boo-Boo, Bust

President Obama is the quintessence of non-leadership.Yet for a statist status quo liberal, he sure likes to tell everyone how to live their live and how to spend their money.Bail out banks, failing auto industries.Shovel-ready projects that are not shoveling...

Tax the Rich; Eat the Rich: Man, that's Rich!

Obama will never learn.At least the previous Democratic President learned to shift his political strategy after suffering through a shellacking of his own two years into his first term.Once again, the current President wants to tax the rich.Who are these people, whom...

Response to Robinson "Nothing but dogs to hunt."

Yes, the Florida straw poll has confirmed that the Republican electorate is unhappy with the current crop of candidates.Perry was a darling to many, yet as a presidential candidate, he is not perfect. The Lone Ranger he is not.Yet the desire for a consistent candidate...

Germany wants a Strong Greece?

If the Eurozone wants to stabilize its unifying currency, then they must cast out the offal that deceptively slipped into the Zone without playing by the rules in the first place.Greece has got to go.Italy and Spain may have to consider also releasing themselves from...