Maine Politics and Politeness

Politesse, grace, the refined qualities of political discourse, such elements which describe Maine politics according the "The Economist", are the very niceties which are plunging this nation into the black hole of never-ending deficit spending.The two...

Hampered by a hormone: Tested by Testosterone

Men are suited for doing great things, sometimes destructive, sometimes nonsensical to the female brain, but still great things.I do not believe that studies which spin such spurious correlations have much to tell us about the critical importance of fatherhood, or its...

The National Health Service Reform Issues

Of course the British Public was happy with the National Health Service (NHS). Who would sneeze at free health care?Let's not forget Economist P. J. O'Rourke's adage: "If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's...

Response to "Apples and Honey"

Rabbi Sack's commentary on Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech combines a number of scriptures in a very taut manner. I was not previously informed that the midrash compares the Mount Sinai to an apple tree, where the Jews first received the Torah.Why stop there, though?...