Living in the City that You Grew up in

Sometimes it’s difficult living in the city that you grew up in. Every place where I used to play; the homes that I lived in; the apartments that I moved into and moved out of, all of it just comes and goes without any real stop or significance. I lived in those...

Side Conversation on the Death Penalty

What makes the discussion about the Death Penalty so penetrating, so significant?It is the most intense intersection, example of the conflict of man versus the State, individual versus society.The reason why intellectuals or “second hand dealers in ideas” cannot...

Thoughts Concerning the State and Ancient Greece

Let us conclude the matter as follows.Human beings need government to protect their rights. Nothing more.How is government to be constructed? How is it to be administered?Let’s consider a fundamental question: is the State an entity in itself, or is it a mere label,...

How to Persuade Others to the Libertarian Philosophy

Libertarianism is based on persuasion as the means of change within society, instead of force. Communistic regimes have no qualms about enforcing their enlightened view of humanity on everyone else because their goal of global equality does not have to respect the...

Definition of Hope

Hope — a positive expectation of good. A sense that things are going to work out, and work out well for the person who has this hope."Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by...