Iran's reaction in Wake of Libya's Fall: A Reflection

Now that Libya has fallen into the hands of the people, now that the Transitional National Council has come to power, now that Bashar al-Assad's tenuous hold on power has been greatly weakened, what must Iran be thinking now? Will the Ayatollahs attempt to reach...

Limit Government: The Surest Way to Limit Racism

Rather than depending on the state, whether local, state or federal, to protect the rights of minority, individuals of smaller culture groups need to speak out for limited government and free market reforms. Constitutional government is the sure method for ensuring...

Race Baiting the Tea Party and Limited Government

The Tea Party is about fiscal discipline and constitutional government in the halls of Washington and across the country. Since when have leaders from ethnic communities across the country drummed up the nonsensical idea that the Tea Party is anti-minority? Contrary...

Gadhafi is out–Assad is next

Bashar al-Assad has one more reason to shake. Rebel forces in Libya fought their "Dear Leader" for six months, and have successfully pushed him from power. Even if Syrian dissidents fail to organize and an ongoing civil war erupts across the country, Assad...

Libya Liberated, Gadhafi Gone, Obama Vindicated?

Libya is liberated, and Moammar Gadhafi has gone into hiding. It would appear that the final rout of the Libyan rebels justified President Obama's foreign policy of "kinetic military action" in the civil war. On the contrary, his unconstitional, and...