Born this Way? No Way, José! Part II

Lady Gaga thinks she's a superstar because her Mommy told her so. And she's more than happy to tell us all about It.What was Mommy's state of mind at the time? What does the Gaga-Mommy say now? Is it really best to base our best on someone else's...

Born this Way? No Way, José!

Lady Gaga, she makes her fans go "Gaga".Her latest hit "Born this Way," hit so hard, that even "Weird Al" Yankovic couldn't pass up an opportunity to lampoon the song.And lampoon it he did! "Perform this Way" exposes more...

Letter to a Local Liberal

Sir:I know you are a liberal (jerk, knee-jerk, or well-informed, I won't judge! :)).We probably do not see eye to eye on many things. But wouldn't you agree that private initiative and local control does better for the American Citizen than Leviathan Federal...

Republicans: Go Beyond the Gipper

President Ronald Reagan helped set the debate for limited government.He ushered in sweeping tax cuts.But what did he do about entitlement reform and federal spending? Not much.We are glad for his efforts to force the American people to rethink the role of government....