Hahn's Rationale (or Rationalizations) Part II

From Redondo Beach based "Easy Reader":"Hahn said she voted against the [debt-ceiling] deal because sentiment in District 36was strongly opposed. The Congresswoman indicated that budget cuts should be accompanied with tax increases on the wealthiest...

Janice Hahn's Rationale (or Rationalizations)

“I listened to my constituents, and they overwhelmingly asked me to oppose this deal,” Hahn said. “Three weeks ago, the people of my district sent me to Washington to protect Social Security and Medicare and get to work investing in our future and creating jobs. The...

Reid's Observations (er…Waffle)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's reflection on the Raising of the U.S. Federal Debt Ceiling recently passed within hairs-breadth of national default:“People on the right are upset. People on the left are upset. People in the middle are upset.”Let's just cut...

"b"ig Government vs. Limited Government

Big Government with a little "b": is that the real enemy? Cutting spending to cut the sheer size of government, yes that is admirable. Yet is that all that Americans should be seeking?Limited Government: does that mean a federal government which only attends...

Integrity, Originality, Character, and Freedom

Integrity is more important than originality.Faith (perseverance) is more important than creativity and imagination, suffice what Albert Einstein may have trumpeted.Lady Gaga is the epitome of style-over-substance-as-substance. She is fooling fewer people in her...