Markets Correct. . .

Markets are the correct way to manage economies. In other ways, there is no way that human being can manage any economy. They are better left to managing themselves. When downturns his, when recessions occur, followed be recovers, the markets are correcting. Markets...

Markets Thrive on Fear: Thrive on Faith

Fear and Confidence: these are the two key emotions which drive markets, risk, speculation, and investment. More psychological than scientific, the stock market is reacting to the churning anxieties of investors jittery about tottering sovereign debtor nations, the...

Riots in London: Symptom of a Cause

London's welfare state has endangered its general welfare. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair decried the growing lawlessness pervasive in London's streets. Vandalis, petty theivery, and other thuggish activities are a direct result of generous entitlements...

Has Bibi made a Boo-Boo?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that he is willing to use the pre-1967 Israeli borders as a starting point for negotiations. Pundits on the right claim that Bibi is outflanking the Palestinians, merely rewording his previous stance with President Obama that...