Final Stretch of CA-36th House Race

At last, the race is almost over.Mudslinging always slips into the fray in the last week, no matter what steps the candidates take to remain above the fracas of name-calling and attack ads.Janice Hahn purloined an endorsement from Louis Zamperini, South Bay World War...

Murdoch on the Rocks

News Corps publication "News of the World" faces severe allegations of bribery, phone hacking, and other unethical practices in pursuit of the next bit of juicy gossip. The icky net of this scandal reaches to the mishandled investigation of a murdered girl,...

Debt Ceiling Dance

Congress is moving to an interesting dance craze these days, "The Debt Ceiling Dance":"You cut $1 billion hereYou tax $1 billion there.You talk a little, balk a little, then angrily storm out.You do the Debt Ceiling Dance, and you bicker all...

Aid Suspended to Pakistan

The United States has suspended a multi-million dollar aid package to Pakistan.Two ways to evaluate this dramatic (or drastic) shift in policy:1) Too little too late.2) Better late than never.1) The Pakistani government t has thrived on illicit and undeserved handouts...

Space Program has Been Lifted

The United States is discontinuing the NASA space shuttle program. Ending lift off was never a more timely investment. The United States wasted time and money outdoing enemy nations with space exploration.Besides, there's far more empty space to contend with here...