Fox News Sunday–Chris Wallace vs. Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart: OWNED!!!Finally, a legitimate, respected journalist has put that obnoxious crypto-liberal partisan in his place.It pained me when Stewart relentlessly badgered and ridiculed Fox Contributor Bill Kristol when he was a guest on "The Daily Show."...

Mass Amnesia in China

"He who controls the Present controls the Past.He who controls the Past controls the Future." — George OrwellTienanmen Square: June 1989. The scene of a failed attempt by the Chinese people for Democratic reform. The world took note when one lone...

Kucinich in League with Libertarians

Who would have guessed? Dennis Kucinich, the Democratic Darling of the Progressive Left is spouting off about government encroachment into the private lives of our nation's citizens. He denounces the United States' prolonged engagement in Afghanistan. He has...

Christie Takes on Inferred Hypocrisy on Education

Last week, one New Jersey constituent challenged Governor Christie for stripping away funding from public education, yet at the same time sending his own children to private schools.Apparently, the woman posing the questions was alluding the Governor's apparent...